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About Zen Oceans

The Merging of two magical worlds; the mesmerizing underwater world and your divine inner world.


Seemingly unrelated, freediving, yoga and breathwork focus on the connection to your breath and using it to take a deeper dive into the wonderful.


These practices bring you to a place of awe, humility, and inner peace.


Zen Oceans will help you explore this connection by guiding you on a unique journey. A journey that will help you get closer to nature than you have ever imagined. A journey that will help you go deeper within yourself than you ever thought was possible.


During our retreats, you’ll take part in yoga and breathwork practices that will help you develop breath control, relaxation, and mental focus. You’ll use the same skills during your freediving coaching.


The result?


Quite possibly the greatest experience of your life.


The depth, beauty, and healing the ocean offers, interacting with marine life in a kind, humble and respectful way, and the serenity and solitude of being immersed. These will be some of your life’s most memorable moments.


You’ll develop skills that will be with you throughout your life, supporting you on your journey to your highest potential and consciousness. Join Sabrina, the founder of Zen Oceans, in the world’s most beautiful locations like Mexico or French Polynesia for a getaway like no other.


“I started Zen Oceans out of my love for marine life and the ocean. Freediving, yoga, and breathwork were life-changing practices that showed me that I am capable of anything I set my mind to. I hope to help you overcome the limits you’ve placed on yourself and inspire you to approach your life with this empowered attitude.”

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